A scope should be the second most expensive part of your firearm purchase, after the rifle itself. In fact, many target shooters recommend you spend at least as much on your scope as you did on your rifle, if not more! As such, it is important that you know the basics about scopes before you make a decision on what scope best fits your rifle and intended philosophy of use (POU). This is why Midway USA goes over the basics parts of a scope and how it works in the first half of their video “Gunsmithing – How to Chooses A Rifle Scope Presented by Larry Potterfield of MidwayUSA.”
January 30, 2024 by
AR Optics: Scope vs Red dot: 5 Big Differences
Or, you could always use both!
When getting a new AR, the biggest accessory purchase to consider is what sight to use on it. While some people continue to use antiquated iron sights, more and more people are using optics. The two main types of optics are red dots and magnified scopes. These are just a few of the things to keep in mind when purchasing an optic. [Read more…]