Mounting a scope properly is a vital first step to ensure that you get the most possible accuracy out of your rifle. In this article, we will breakdown a video showing you the proper way to mount a scope.
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How to Mount a Rifle Scope (Video)
AR Optics: Scope vs Red dot: 5 Big Differences
Or, you could always use both!
When getting a new AR, the biggest accessory purchase to consider is what sight to use on it. While some people continue to use antiquated iron sights, more and more people are using optics. The two main types of optics are red dots and magnified scopes. These are just a few of the things to keep in mind when purchasing an optic. [Read more…]
How to Hunt Elk Skillfully using Favorable Tactics?

Nothing can be an amazingly big game like hunting an Elk. Elk is one of the largest mammals with native habitat in North America and Eastern Asia.
For the best quality and the safest hunting of Elk, you must know how to do it flawlessly. If you are an expert then it might be easier for you. However, if you are novice and didn’t hunt any giant animal ever before then properly grasp these useful aspects of Elk hunting.
For archery to rifle hunt of Elk, you must be accompanied by skilled professionals for safe, legal and humane hunting. Elk hunting is quite a popular and thrilling sport across the globe. People love earning pleasure by taking part in this one of the most exciting hunting competitions. Moreover, in United States, many individuals prefer spending their leisure time in hunting preferably Elk because of its tasty and quality meat with relatively low fat.
Another reason hunters go after Elk is that it is one of the most challenging hunt they can ever had in their lives.
Major Attributes You Must Know:
Hunting appears to be a plain job with hi-tech firearms and good expertise. However, if you talk about Elk, it is one of the toughest hunt in which hunters are required to walk for miles on rough tracks and bad conditions. From the Rocky Mountain Elk to the coastal giant Roosevelt Elk of the Pacific Northwest, you can have immense number of opportunities to hunt down your favorite specie in United States.
There is lot more involved in accurate and the safest Elk hunting. Let’s probe what you need to discern and understand for hunting an elk.
- Where you can find Elk’s subspecies of your choice?
Elk in form of herds usually live in high altitude areas or you can say high mountainous terrains like Bob Marshall wilderness in lush and timbered Swan Range, rain forests of Pacific Northwest, Rocky Mountains, subalpine forests, and in some ranges of Western North America.
For the case of point, you can find the smallest subspecies among all the North American elks named ‘Tule elk’ only in the state of California. Rocky Mountain elks as name suggests are commonly found in the Rocky Mountains and the neighboring ranges of Western North America.
During winter you can easily find elks in open forests and in low-elevated areas while in summer they usually migrate to alpine basins and subalpine forests.
- How to locate, chase and get close to the Elk?
With help of footprints, and other tracking signs in winters especially, you can easily find elk’s whereabouts. Rut calls of an elk will also help you in chasing it.
Elks appear to be talkative and very much communicative. The way these incredibly vocal animals call upon or talk to each other actually helps the hunters to locate, chase and get elk closer to their shooting point.
- What is the good time and season for Elk hunting?
From novice to seasoned hunters, knowing the best suitable time of elk hunting is the must thing. Fall and spring are considered the most favorable seasons for Elk hunting. But, some people think that no other season is best suitable as the hot temperature of the Oregon Coast for elk hunt.
- What hunting equipment and accessories you should take along?
Depending on your choice and hunting expertise, you can go for bow hunting or rifle hunting. Accordingly, you will take the hunting equipment along with you. Compound hunting bows are the optimal choice for archery hunt of the Elk.
On the other hand, for the backcountry elk hunting, you need finely accurate and typically lightweight rifle with a good rifle scope mounted on it. Binoculars will help you in finding the elk.
- How to prepare and plan for the Elk hunting?
To aim for Elk is the major part of the hunting game. You have to prepare yourself, your hunting gears and plan ahead before starting your elk shooting venture. Learn about elk and elk hunting terminologies, and get yourself trained in how to call, target and shoot an elk.
Guided or unguided hunting, in both scenarios you must realize what you are up to. Plan smartly and cover all essentials of do-it-yourself elk hunting. You can earn great success if you setup your strategy vigilantly. From selecting hunting location to scouting in pre-season and making yourself physically strong and fit enough to set out for elk hunting.
- Educate yourself on local hunting regulations.
Prior to all, you should know hunting laws and regulations. Every state has its own rules and permissible timings and seasons for elk hunting. You can consult the concerned department to collect all important information in this regard.
Commonly Used Tactics for Elk Hunting:
Presently, there are three most preferable ways to bring down the elks. These include:
- Spot-and-stalk
Use high quality optics like spotting scopes to search the landscape for elks. Dawn and dusk hours are prime times to spot elk. After reaching the spotting point, you have to wait for the first light with your ears all open because you can easily locate elks by hearing their bugling sounds before dawn. As soon as daylight arrives, set your binoculars to mark elk’s location. Once spotted, you can execute your planned stalk.
- Calling Elk
Out of two basic types including mouth calls and reed calls, you can choose the most suitable one and get your job half done. Elk in the nearby area will surely respond to your calling.
You can use different sounds made by elks to get advantage while hunting. Learning these sounds means now you can distract the elks and get them to your desired place. You can also use man-made devices in order to imitate the elk vocalizations.
You can make bugle sound to locate elk. It is a bull elk call which these animals commonly make during pre/post rut. When close to the herd, you can use excited ‘Cow elk Call’ in order to lure elk towards your shooting spot. You can also use Alarm bark sound anytime for stopping the spooked elk long enough to get a perfect shot.
- Ambushing Elk
You can trap elks using ambush from tree stands or ground blinds. Carefully setup your ambush for the premium results. Ambushing elk is commonly setup around waterholes for hunting elk during the drought periods. Ambushing elk is a good backup in case you get tired of all other tactics.
Tips for Flawless Elk Hunting:
Elk hunting might be a tough endeavor when you want to do it on public lands. But, it is not impossible at all. Practice and knowing all significant aspects of elk hunting will certainly assist you in immaculate shooting and killing the found elk down. Following the below listed tips will help you greatly in elk hunting:
- Study your Prey and learn about elk like its habitat preferences and diet.
- Select right hunting rifle or bow and do not forget taking accessories along with scopes, and binoculars.
- Shot placement is the most important thing to be practiced extensively. Your outclass weapon will be of no use if you are unable to take perfect elk hunt shot.
- For proper and humanely shooting of the elk, you should learn about the state’s currently enforced laws in defined areas of elk hunting.
- It is essential to cover your scent when locating the elk for the hunt. For, this you can use commercial scent eliminator.
- Make appropriate use of elk calls to bring elk close to the location wherein you are all set for hunting. Learn and practice different calls to bring in male or female elk. Bugle call is designed for male elk while for the female elk, cow call works greatly.
- Explore the areas before the actual hunt begins because Mother Nature is fast enough to alter the landscape of any area.
- Always do scouting in your selected hunting area no matter how many times you have been there to kill elk.
- Know the elk movement time and get to hunting location before them. Or else, elks already in the area will be startled and surely run off to the safest hide.
- Remember, Elks are more active in twilight. You can observe their maximum movement during first few hours after dawn and the few hours before dusk.
- For the perfect bringing down of an elk, your shot must be placed properly. If your shot missed the expected mark, you will only have a wounded elk that can be more dangerous.
- If you have not done elk hunting before then the best thing is to start out deer hunting and then proceed to hunt elks.
Do elk hunting yourself only if you are expert enough of hunting large land mammals. Or else, hire professional guide and this will help minimizing the odds of elk hunt and coming home with one.
Keep all the useful tools and tactics in your arsenal.
How to Go Bear Hunting
Besides pleasure, meat and fur are the most tempting factors for hunters to go after bears. From grizzly to black bears, bear hunting is a common activity since the prehistoric times. Today, it is one of the legally accepted hunts worldwide including United States.
Throughout the northern hemisphere, different bear species are widely spread appearing in varying habitats. Across the globe, bear is one of the most privileged big game animals. In areas where bear hunting is done quite frequently, they turn out to be purely nocturnal.
If you want to go for bear hunting, you must take appropriate measures and make proper arrangements. Moreover, you should have suitably developed skills and all understanding about safety tactics because bear hunting can become intense. Predatory bears are fully capable of fighting back the hunter when startled and can be extremely dangerous.
What to Ensure Before Hunting:
Make sure that you are fully equipped with the knowledge, skills and firearms prior to set out for bear hunt. But, the most important thing to be considered is that how much you are familiar with bear species, their habitats, population quotient, regional variations, food etc. In addition, you must know what season is the most suitable for bear hunting.
General habitats of bears are located in Northern America. You can also find large densities of black bears in the heavily timbered forests situated near agricultural lands.
Depending on local hunting regulations, you can hunt bears during spring or autumn seasons. In contrast, black bear hunting is allowed in about half of the fifty states including south, Midwest and the east coast areas. However, in most of the eastern states, black bear hunting is prohibited but opens sometimes for the limited seasons.
This is the reason, it is always recommended to go with the flow and always consult the hunting authorities of the state you want to hunt bear. Otherwise, you may be caught and penalized for illegal hunting during the off season
Spring and fall are the most favored times of the year when you will be legally permitted to hunt black bears. Fall is the most typical and general season when the most bears are hunted.
If you setup your hunt based on following ideas, you will definitely earn an unforgettable life experience.
- Learn about bear and their habitat
- Educate yourself on bear hunting basics
- Know and practice scouting techniques
- Learn and practice stalking techniques
- Choice your firearm wisely with complete accessories
Covering up these key aspects will actually assist in making your hunting endeavor great
- To know about bear populated areas, you can use topographical maps or can look into public records usually maintained by wildlife agencies.
- You may need special permits from local authorities looking after legal and benevolent bear hunting activities in the state.
- Knowing the bear hunting basics means how much you are aware of the safety measures and hunting jurisdictions in your selected area.
- Ensure that you have right optics and weapons for spotting, stalking and targeting the bear.
- Practicing all significant scouting and stalking techniques is the must-to-do thing if you really want to take pleasure in impeccable bear hunting.
What to Do During Hunting:
All you need during bear hunting is exactly following the carefully planned strategies. This planning is all dependent on the tactic you choose for bringing the bear down.
It is critical to bring into play different tactics to hunt bears. As soon as you make an educated decision to opt for the most appropriate tactic for particular hunting situation, chances will be higher for the premium outcomes.
Four Essential Bear Hunting Tactics:
Hunters often use below listed four shooting tactics to take on bear’s life. An incredible bear hunt is only possible if you recognize and employ the best suitable method all the way through your hunting venture.
- Spot-and-Stalk Bear Hunting
Spotting and stalking method is popularly practiced in western areas wherein hunters can see at longer distances because of the mixed vegetation and open lands. In Alaska, hunters prefer using this tactic from boats and after spotting the bear, they find out a proper place to go ashore for stalking.
First, locate yourself at vantage point providing a clear view of the surroundings and then scan the entire area using hi-tech binoculars or spotting scopes. Now spot your desired bear and wait for the shooting opportunity. Execute the stalk right at the moment it comes in your shooting range.
Spot-and-Stalk method is preferable over others because it offers great efficiency leading you to cover large area with little effort. It offers you ease of selecting and hunting the bear of your choice because you have enough time to evaluate them.
It also helps you in avoiding undesirable situations as you do not have to walk through hunting area. Hence, leaving no scent behind and there will also be no noise to spook bears out of the area.
- ‘Baiting the Bears’ Hunting:
If you want to observe the bears behavior or you want to select the bear of your choice to hunt then bait hunting is the best option. Using this tactic, you will surely delight in the high-percentage shots with confidence because you will be situated at manageable and close point. Hunters using close range weapons or bow and arrow for bear hunting prefer this mode.
All you need is to set out bait preferably meats for attracting bears at your preferably selected spot. You can easily ambush the bears using tree stand already set at 20-30 yards of distance from the bait. After setting up the trap, just wait for the bear to be lured by bait and then shoot it. This method is legally accepted in few states while totally banned in some other.
- Hunting Bears with Hounds
You can also use dogs for bear hunting though it is outlawed in many states of the country. This is the method most of the hunters might not be able to experience yet. Hunters are not required to walk for long, instead they go for road drive with hounds in their trucks back.
The moment dogs smell bear scent they start barking and hunters get alert. Chase begins after hunters mark the real trials of bears. Hounds take the hunters to the exact place of the bears.
- ‘Calling the Bears’ Hunting:
Wounded game calls along with many other types of calls are often used by hunters to draw the bears into their selected area for perfect shooting. You can use this method in combination with spot and stalk method for outclass results. Always keep the backup when using this method because bears come close to you as fast as they can and often looking for the fight.
Knowledge and skills are everything to come up with the most successful undertakings. Same holds for bear hunting and you have to know all essential attributes to avail yourself for this venture. You must not forget that having and using right hunting equipment is not only important but a vital thing-to-do for effective and safe bear hunting.
How to Execute Mule Deer Hunting?

Do you want to collect intoxicating deer hunting memories? If yes, then exactly when and how? This is the question many of the hunting enthusiasts often ask. You need to get hands on all significantly important information along with eagerness to set out for deer hunting. For this, you are required to know and understand every bit of the tips, tricks and tactics. Moreover, do not even think of challenging wildlife animals if you are faint at heart or not practiced well.
Deer hunting appears to be exciting thing to do but you have to be fully prepared in the first place. Proper planning, accessorizing yourself and the best suitable strategies in conjunction with backup plans are must to take into account before entering into the hunting arena. Or else, you may miss good things from falling in your lap.
Bring Magic in Mule Deer Hunting:
Deer is an intelligent and fast in action kind of animal. If it sensed your presence, it will near to impossible for you to get the same one to hunt. And, if you are not much familiar with the area you are hunting then you might waste your time and energies for the day.
Hence, you need impeccable scheduling, planning and preparation. Avoid running after overcomplicated strategies because it can turn an exciting hunt into something really frustrated. You can easily make your deer hunting venture a treasured experience.
Deer is the most sought after animal with varying habitats in North American states. White-tailed deer is dominant deer specie of Rockies. On the other hand, mule deer is mostly found in west of the Rocky Mountains. Resembling to mule, the mule deer with black-tipped tail have brighter face, long ears and different color of their skin as compared to widely distributed white-tailed deer.
Mule Deer Hunting Tactics:
Knowing your prey, its habits, habitats, regional distribution and hutting jurisdictions etc., are must to learn things prior to set out for the hunt.
There are handful tactics for quick and humane hunting of mule deer in your selected area that can be a public land or the private one. Boost your spirits and you can even bring down the big bucks successfully. For the optimum results, you should remain flexible in applying different tactics depending on your specific hunting areas and situations.
Most commonly used methods to hunt mule deer include:
- Stand/Bait Hunting:
This method is for the hunters who are not willing to trace and track mule deer. They find it easier to make use of stand hunting. But, it depends on the terrain you opted for hunting and also the paths on which mule deer are likely to travel. All you need is to setup bait usually corns in pathway and wait for the deer to get attracted. Hunters can use different types of tree stands to be placed above the ground such as box stand, climbing stand and landing stand etc.
You can also use your preferred hunting blind on the ground. Choosing the best suitable location for food plotting will surely make your job of mule deer hunt stress-free. However, stand hunting is the game of patience.
For the perfect ambushing deer, you may need to spend days to comprehend the most habitual and routine movements of the mule deer. You need to do it watchfully and without disturbing your prey because if they get alert of your presence, they might change the course.
All-day sits are actually effective but sitting at one stand all day long might not be much fruitful. Prime funnel used by deer for feeding and bedding should be your key target for great the great hunt. You can also use trial camera for your ease.
Still/Track Hunting:
In this methods, hunters walk along the edge of the field or move through the woods in search of mule deer. It is actually a track hunt in which hunters look for deer trails to mark its exact location. In this tactic, hunters often need to stop and wait for some time and then continue deer tracking. This tactic is preferably used in flat country or low-elevated areas for mule hunting.
Appeared to be quite challenging because your scent or any noise made by you can alert the deer. Don’t take mule deer a ‘dumb’ specie unable to realizing the danger around and how to deal with the threat. You need slow and quite movement while searching for the mule deer in areas you think they might be inhabited.
You must have fully developed tracking skills and the right time selection to attempt track hunting. Directly after seasonal snowfall, you can bring into play this slow and deliberate hunting tactic for ground animals like mule deer.
- Spot and Stalk Hunting:
Spotting and stalking hunt is one of the popularly used hunting tactics. This efficient and simple to employ method helps the hunters to locate a lot of mule deer without haunting and alerting them. This enhances the chances of picture-perfect hunting.
In this tactic, hunter usually sit at a vintage point that can be a tree stand and spot the deer using binoculars. Optics play great role in this method because you are required to locate the deer first. Spotting scopes are the most appropriate equipment in this regard. After spotting the buck, hunter slowly sneaks into the shooting range to hit his target down.
Do not confuse this method with still hunting tactic because in spot and stalk hunters are certain about mule deer presence in the large visible areas without wasting any time and energies. Hunters do not require intimate and native knowledge of mule deer patterns and hence, this is quite simple and easy method to be used. For this reason, this tactic is considered to be extensively effective for hunting mule deer:
Spot and Stalk Hunting is the best choice for mule deer targeting and shooting the mountainous terrain and also in the rolling hills. If you successfully beat the factors of sight, sound and smell then your stalking will work out the same way as you want along with your desired results.
- Entice/Driving Hunting:
In this method, deer are flushed over to where hunters are positioned. Deer drive is actually the luring way of getting the deer attention and gathering them at your selected point from where you can easily hunt them.
Calling tactics work the best during seeking and chasing phase of the mule deer hunt. Mule deer get enticed more in the pre-rut season and quickly response to calling and rattling. Because, this is the time when they are vulnerable to be sidetracked or to be get out of their safe habitat.
Hunters often make lines and walk through the fields hoping for the seamless shot to drive mule deer to the other line of the hunters usually positioned in tree stands or ground blinds. 100-150 yards is the normally kept distance in between two lines of the hunters. Grunt calls coupled with doe bleats can do the work of a dynamite.
- Hounds Hunting:
Depending on state’s jurisdiction and local hunting laws, dogs can be used to locate, chase and target the mule deer. For instance, Wisconsin state it is illegitimate to use hounds hunting especially for whitetail deer.
Quick Tips for Mule Deer Hunt:
- Get into deer hunting shape and practice a lot.
- You must learn about mule deer and its living style.
- Learn and follow all the federal to state and local hunting laws.
- Get your license or hunting permit from authorized department.
- Accessorize yourself with perfect outfit in line with hunting time and season.
- Get hold on the top quality optics, weapons and ammunition.
- Emphasize on deer scouting and do it vigilantly.
The Verdict:
Mule deer is one of the majestic species for memorable hunting experience. No matter what tactic you use, you will certainly have a fantastic and enthralling time hunting a mule deer in the wonderful open lands of the American west.
How To Zero Your Rifle Scope
You CAN’T aim your target, you CAN’T shoot a target accurately if you DON’T zero your rifle scope accurately!
For anyone who loves hunting or target practice using a rifle and scope, unless you plan on being an embarrassing shot, you should zero your rifle’s optics before anything else. If you are a novice shooter, a rifle scope can improve your shot tremendously if implemented correctly. The following information is a steadfast way to get your optics set up for prime accuracy for out in the hunting field or at the shooting range.
Feel free to share this infographic on your website or on social media. Please just mention this page when you do so! Just copy the code below and paste it into your website.
Here’s a summary of the steps on how to zero a scope:
- Installing The Scope
- Mount the base and rings on the scope
- Mount the scope on the rifle
- Position the eyepiece correctly
- Level your cross-hair
- Tighten your mounting base securely
- Setting Your Zero
- Head to the range
- Mount the gun in a rest
- Load the gun and take three to five shots with the rifle
- Examine your shot grouping
- Make adjustments using the knobs, and recheck
- Set zero from multiple distances
- Making Adjustments
- Examine the adjustment knobs
- Move the sight toward the misses
- Make very small adjustments
- Use a bore sight for more adjustments, if necessary
That’s it! Now, you can buy a rifle scope and you’ll know how to zero it!
Some of best scopes for you:
- Top 10 Best Rifle Scope on the market
- Nikon P-223 3-9×40 Mate BDC 600 Review
- UTG 30mm Swat (3-12X44) Compact Review
- Nikon ProStaff 3-9 x 40 Black Matte Riflescope (BDC) Review
- Top 10 Best AR 15 scopes
- Top Best Red Dot Sight For Hunting
- Best Binoculars For Hunting
Good luck and happy shooting!